I am a RYT Registered Yoga teacher, Sports,Thai massage and Bodywork therapist.

I received my teacher training from Yoga Arts (Australia) in 2005. My yoga journey has taken many forms; From the vigorous practises of vinyasa and ashtanga to acroyoga ..... For the past 5 years, I have found inspiration in the teachings of BKS Iyengar and am a disciple of senior teacher Peter Thomson.

I am certified in Thai Massage by the Thai Massage School of ChiangMai and have studied under Oestheopaths Arnaud L'Hermitte & David Lutt and Itzhak Helman of the Sunshine Network.

I have a keen interest in sports especially endurance sports and have trained in Ironman and sports massage with the renown Dr Myk Hungerford (mother of sports massage).

I am also a sports consultant and organise marathons and sports events.

Yoga helped me recuperate from a traumatic accident and I practise yoga to share its healing benefits with others. I believe in the transformation power of yoga and use Massage and other bodywork techniques to achieve greater depths in my yoga practise.

Yoga is a sharing of love and compassion that can bring about emotional and physical healing.

HP : +(61)0415938856 / email : elainehuilian@gmail.com


There is so much going on I decided that I would summarise everything into a little newsletter instead of inundating your mailbox with tons of messages…. Click on the flyers for details of each of the workshops.

Love & light to all,


Tel : 90114405

Email : elainehuilian@gmail.com

PS : If you want me to stop hounding you with emails (and I won’t be offended if you do!), send me an email to let me know!


The last session for this series will be on at 7pm this Friday (8th Oct) @ 7Aura Studio. We will be focusing on pain relief and self massage techniques. (I just bought an eco-friendly roller so I think we will take out the rollers and play around with them a little too!)

There have been inquiries about holding a weekly Yoga for Runners class. Drop me an email if you are interested with a suggested time & day of the week.


AcroYoga teacher, Marc Bauchet, is coming back in November and we have scheduled a delicious buffet of workshops for EVERYONE. If you have never tried AcroYoga, this is the time to try it out; we will hold a 1 day AcroYoga Fundamentals workshop so you can learn the basics from A to Z! For those of you who are into funky acrobatics, we have also organized an intermediate / advanced workshop so you can learn the more elaborate transitions (eg : Washing machine) & variations in Star etc….

Marc is now also a certified TULAYOGA practitioner. If you would like to try a massage that is completely out of this world, take the opportunity whilst he is here! I don’t think there is anyone else in Singapore (or the whole of Asia) that can give you a TulaYoga Massage! (For more information, check out www.tulayoga.com)


Marc & I will be holding a partner yoga & massage workshop whilst he is in town too.

You would like to go a little deeper into a stretch and would like someone (who kindda knows what he/she is doing) to come and give you that extra pull / push.

You would like a 5-10min back rub to ease away the tensions of the day, but your partner just isn’t getting it right.
Or you are merely looking for something fun & interesting to do on “Date-night”!
Or looking to bond with your teenage daughter / son / parent / friend!

The workshop will consist of 1hr of partner yoga where we will show you how to take your partner deeper into certain stretches and 90mins of simple massage technique. No yoga or massage experience is required!


I am sorry the jams have not been as regular as we had originally planned. For those of you who have never attended any of the jams, these are informal gathering where we get together and do Yoga, Massage, Acrobatics (BTW, we call this Acroyoga, but that seems to scare some of you!) or Contact Improvisation Dance. The sessions are free but Mat &I are asking for donations to raise money to support events for the Acroyoga & CI community.

Poh Yen & Rodney, Ann & Matt at our last jam

Photos : We had the amazing Jenny Lee (pro photographer & AcroYogi newbie) take these photos & she even gave little Stephan (Age 6) a couple of tips on how to iphone pics look cool!

Sharada & I, Amber & Guy, Su-Ann & Dennis at our inaugural AcroYoga Contact Jam in Aug.

The Chain Gang

We have tentatively scheduled a jam on the 17th Oct Sunday 2-4pm. We will be sending out notifications through the various Facebook groups!


Many of you have been asking me about meditation classes. I would like to recommend that you check out Singasatsanga. Amber does dynamic meditation sessions from the world of OSHO. http://www.singasatsanga.com/

I had planned to do monthly silent sittings at my place but have not been very good about it. Sorry. If you are interested, we can have one on the 28th Oct Thursday 7pm. Let me know. The sittings are free.

"For where two or more are gathered together in My Name, I am there in the midst of them."


There are 2 girls who want to start pre-natal yoga class. We will probably do this at 7.15pm on a Thurs or Fri night. If you are pregnant, or know someone who would like to join this class, please let me know.

Mon & Wed 7am / Thurs 9.30am / Sat 7.30am
(Pls note that class this Sat 9th Oct is canceled. I need to be at my “other job” @ the North Face 100 ultra marathon!)



I am sorry we had to suspend the kids yoga class. We may try to start the class again in the new year. Stephan & I miss you guys too! I hear that Daniel now has his own yoga mat and sleeps with it by the side of his bed! Way to go, boy!

Nick Lee trying out the new Yoga ropes


We have decided to stop the classes @ Z-Yoga (United Sq) as there aren’t enough students. A big thanks to the team @ Z fencing School and all the girls who practiced there with me this past year. Hope you will continue practicing somewhere else.


An early Christmas gift idea.....


We are trying to keep our little “community” going with events and workshops. Please join one of the facebook groups. It would be great if you could share information on other events and happenings too.


AcoYoga Singapore

Contact Improvisation Singapore



Connect with a loved one : A partner, parent, child or friend

Bring health and well-being to your relationships. Deepen your understanding of yoga and develop greater awareness of each other. Bond with a partner through breathe, touch and posture; guiding and supporting each other in a creative & playful journey.

The workshop will consist of
- 1hr of Partner Yoga work
- 1.5hrs of Massage Technique
(No yoga or massage experience is required)

Date : Tues, 16 Nov 2010 & / or Sat 20th Nov 2010
Time : 7-9.30pm
Location : The Substation (Armenian Street) / Oasis Holistic (Selegie Road)
Cost : $55/person (early Bird Price before 20 Oct : $48)
Registration : 90114405 / acroyogasing@gmail.com

Marc & Elaine are yoga teachers and bodywork massage therapists. They will share their experience with the healing powers of yoga, massage and touch using techniques from the worlds of Contact & partner yoga, Tulayoga, Thai massage and sports therapy.


AcroYoga Fundamentals (Wed 17 Nov 10am - 4pm) *
(No experience required)
We welcome people of all levels and ages to join the AcroYoga Community. This workshop provides a safe environment to explore, trust, connect and play with elements from yoga, acrobatics, and yogic massage. The workshop will include: partner yoga, coaching each other in simple yoga inversions, basic partner acrobatics, therapeutic flying and leg massage.
No experience is required, no partner needed.

AcroYoga Inversions & Acrobatics (Thurs 18 Nov & Fri 19 Nov 7pm - 9.30pm)
(Some AcroYoga experience would be beneficial)
Develop your AcroYoga practise into the next stage with fun acrobatic flows and transitions.

We will warm up with the classic AcroYoga asana flow that aims at waking up your acrobatic and playful fire. With the coaching of a partner, we will then solidify techniques in basic inversions as the foundation for acrobatics. The progressions lead to basic partner acrobatics cultivating strength and flexibility whilst working as a team. A playful, safe, supportive environment will empower the whole room to be upside down and connect to the divine!

Therapeutic Flying (Sat 20 Nov 4pm - 6.30pm)
(Some AcroYoga experience would be beneficial)
- Partner yoga, adjustments and assisted group work
- Therapeutic flying postures & transitions
- Introduction to Tulayoga; get a taste of this deep aerial bodywork (www.tulayoga.com)
- Therapeutic yoga massage, focusing on refreshing leg and arm muscles.

Rocking in High Places (Sun 21 Nov 2pm - 4.30pm)
(Participants should have an intermediate level yoga practice & some AcroYoga experience)
- Warm-up with powerful AcroYoga vinyasa flow sequences
- Develop a strong arm balance & handstand practise
- Fly high: Various techniques to enter flying postures and to transition between them
- Fly higher : Introduction and variations around the "Star", dynamic transitions & the "washing machine"

- Land soft and regenerate with simple but deep partner massage


1 DAY INTRO WORKSHOP (*) $80 (early Bird : $65)


- 1st workshop $55 (Early Bird Price : $48)

- 2nd workshop $50 (Early Bird Price : $42)

- 3rd & subsequent workshops $45 (Early Bird Price : $38)

5 DAY PASS for all the sessions $230 (Early Bird Price : $200)

Early bird registration & payment must be made before 20 Oct.

Location : The Substation (Armenian Street) / Oasis Holistic (Selegie Road) Registration Contact: 90114405 / acroyogasing@gmail.com
