I am a RYT Registered Yoga teacher, Sports,Thai massage and Bodywork therapist.

I received my teacher training from Yoga Arts (Australia) in 2005. My yoga journey has taken many forms; From the vigorous practises of vinyasa and ashtanga to acroyoga ..... For the past 5 years, I have found inspiration in the teachings of BKS Iyengar and am a disciple of senior teacher Peter Thomson.

I am certified in Thai Massage by the Thai Massage School of ChiangMai and have studied under Oestheopaths Arnaud L'Hermitte & David Lutt and Itzhak Helman of the Sunshine Network.

I have a keen interest in sports especially endurance sports and have trained in Ironman and sports massage with the renown Dr Myk Hungerford (mother of sports massage).

I am also a sports consultant and organise marathons and sports events.

Yoga helped me recuperate from a traumatic accident and I practise yoga to share its healing benefits with others. I believe in the transformation power of yoga and use Massage and other bodywork techniques to achieve greater depths in my yoga practise.

Yoga is a sharing of love and compassion that can bring about emotional and physical healing.

HP : +(61)0415938856 / email : elainehuilian@gmail.com


Connect with a loved one : A partner, parent, child or friend

Bring health and well-being to your relationships. Deepen your understanding of yoga and develop greater awareness of each other. Bond with a partner through breathe, touch and posture; guiding and supporting each other in a creative & playful journey.

The workshop will consist of
- 1hr of Partner Yoga work
- 1.5hrs of Massage Technique
(No yoga or massage experience is required)

Date : Tues, 16 Nov 2010 & / or Sat 20th Nov 2010
Time : 7-9.30pm
Location : The Substation (Armenian Street) / Oasis Holistic (Selegie Road)
Cost : $55/person (early Bird Price before 20 Oct : $48)
Registration : 90114405 / acroyogasing@gmail.com

Marc & Elaine are yoga teachers and bodywork massage therapists. They will share their experience with the healing powers of yoga, massage and touch using techniques from the worlds of Contact & partner yoga, Tulayoga, Thai massage and sports therapy.