I am a RYT Registered Yoga teacher, Sports,Thai massage and Bodywork therapist.

I received my teacher training from Yoga Arts (Australia) in 2005. My yoga journey has taken many forms; From the vigorous practises of vinyasa and ashtanga to acroyoga ..... For the past 5 years, I have found inspiration in the teachings of BKS Iyengar and am a disciple of senior teacher Peter Thomson.

I am certified in Thai Massage by the Thai Massage School of ChiangMai and have studied under Oestheopaths Arnaud L'Hermitte & David Lutt and Itzhak Helman of the Sunshine Network.

I have a keen interest in sports especially endurance sports and have trained in Ironman and sports massage with the renown Dr Myk Hungerford (mother of sports massage).

I am also a sports consultant and organise marathons and sports events.

Yoga helped me recuperate from a traumatic accident and I practise yoga to share its healing benefits with others. I believe in the transformation power of yoga and use Massage and other bodywork techniques to achieve greater depths in my yoga practise.

Yoga is a sharing of love and compassion that can bring about emotional and physical healing.

HP : +(61)0415938856 / email : elainehuilian@gmail.com

Ironman Massage Seminar with Dr Myk Hungerford

I just attended a most amazing sports massage therapy and osteopathy course with Dr Myk. Hungerford. This 80yr old lady is not known as the Mother of Sports Massage for nothing. She was therapist at the white house and to the US Olympic team......... Talk about experience!!!I was new to most of the techniques and found the idea of "No Pain" a little difficult to get used to. Dr Myk's philosophy is to work the body in a non-invasive manner thereby causing less trauma and stress to the system ("the patient is already in pain.... that is why he has come to see us, so don't inflict more pain!" )
1/ identify area of muscle soreness / tension / pain.
2/ bring the patient to the Point of Comfort (ie : the muscle is relaxed, loosened) then hold for 90seconds so that the brain gets the signal. It is somestimes quite complicated to get the POC (you need to understand how the muscle works, where it origins & inserts, how to adjust the body applying extensions, rotations, compressions, traction etc....), but the POC is the main gist of it! Don't get me wrong, some of the stuff was really quite difficult so I am not doing Dr Myk's work justice with a one-line summary, but the POC was the key take-away for me.
3/ we learnt to do compression work on the muscles to release adrenalin and histamines (mainly for pre-races), applied swedish style effleurage strokes to release tight muscles (great for post-race), thai massage stretching, vibrations, thalamotherapy (for insomnia), chest work to improve the respiratory system, counter-strain to release kinks in the muscle.......... A whole new bag of goody techniques!
Problem I have now is to integrate all this into my Yoga Massage work. I really enjoying giving Yoga Massages (and don't think Sports Massage will give me as much satisfaction), but it is amazing to see how her techniques actually work! Peng had a neck problem and I followed Dr Myk's counter-strain technique (put the neck into POC with extension, side bend, rotation & compression and hold for 90secs), and it worked! But the experience was not "shiok" (That is singlish for feel good......... You know how when you work on an area of tension, it generally hurts, but it is a nice releasing pain that kindda makes you go aaahhh........ well, you miss out on that with counter-strain!
I am off to spend the month in Greece with Arnaud & Itzhak, my yoga massage gurus, next week, so maybe I will come back with more ideas on how to marry all this into one practise!