I am a RYT Registered Yoga teacher, Sports,Thai massage and Bodywork therapist.

I received my teacher training from Yoga Arts (Australia) in 2005. My yoga journey has taken many forms; From the vigorous practises of vinyasa and ashtanga to acroyoga ..... For the past 5 years, I have found inspiration in the teachings of BKS Iyengar and am a disciple of senior teacher Peter Thomson.

I am certified in Thai Massage by the Thai Massage School of ChiangMai and have studied under Oestheopaths Arnaud L'Hermitte & David Lutt and Itzhak Helman of the Sunshine Network.

I have a keen interest in sports especially endurance sports and have trained in Ironman and sports massage with the renown Dr Myk Hungerford (mother of sports massage).

I am also a sports consultant and organise marathons and sports events.

Yoga helped me recuperate from a traumatic accident and I practise yoga to share its healing benefits with others. I believe in the transformation power of yoga and use Massage and other bodywork techniques to achieve greater depths in my yoga practise.

Yoga is a sharing of love and compassion that can bring about emotional and physical healing.

HP : +(61)0415938856 / email : elainehuilian@gmail.com

Back to Basics with Itzhak

Many people looked at me rather strangely when I informed them that I was going to Egypt for a massage course. Well, I met Itzhak in Lahu and found out that he was holding a course in this beautiful beachside camp on the Red Sea and just couldn't resist!!!

The course was wonderful. I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to concentrate as I had the kids with me. But it wasn't an issue at at all.

As usual, mornings started with 5am Vipasanna followed by yoga at 6am. This time around, I missed quite a number of morning sessions. The meditation was great until about 5.30am when the flies started to come out and then it became a real exercise in pratyhara. After the 1st day, I did meditation completely covered and veiled and it worked quite well. Yoga was a different story though, since I couldn't exactly wear a veil doing ashtanga!! I had flies in my mouth, ears and every conceivable cavity....... I got so aggitated at the end of the sessions that I decided to give quite a few classes a miss. (I know, that was very bad of me!!!) I hadn't practised Ashtanga in years either. The sequence came back to me relatively easily, but I forgot how tough those vinyasas were. Boy were they tiring.

The massage part of the course went amazingly well though. It was great getting back to basics and being reminded about the philosophy behind the practise. The giving, the compassion and the healing ........... The practise does not have to be all elaborate and complicated (which is fun, but probably is more about the ego than about giving.........), cos working the simple energy lines with the right spirit and attitude is already amazing!!

We met some wonderful people on the course: Shoo-shoo, patrick, lucy and Amr. Everyone had already been practising for a number of years except Shoo-Shoo who was new to the art but was such a natural, you wouldn't know it. Itzhak was a great teacher with a big heart and an open mind. It's amazing how he had all the pages and illustrations in Asokananda's little Red Book all memorised.