It is dedicated to all the wonderful teachers at the Circus.
Arnaud – The Ringmaster
Kaline – The flying acrobatic dancer
David – The Lion Tamer, who is really more a Lion than a Tamer… But I thought I'd try to refrain from calling him an animal lest there are repurcussions in class tomorrow!
Itzhak – The philosopher-thinker, but since they do not any of those at the circus, he can be the tight-rope artiste (cos they look so earnest)
Anasthasi Babaji – The contortionist yogi pretzel
Takis – I couldn’t decide between clown or flame-thrower, so he can be flame-throwing clown
And the visiting teachers Biff, Terry & Jonas.
But most of all, my fellow circus-mates because learning is mainly done on the mat through practise.
The CircleA meeting of East and West
Where science and art become one
Dancing to the rhythms of Shiva and Shakti
The Sun and the Moon
Itha and Pingkhala
Yin and Yang
Coming together to find that gentle balance
that brings us just a little closer to God
Searching yet without strife
Surrendering to the sweet embrace of mother earth
This is our Sangha
Playing and praying
Singing and dancing
We feast on the scrumptious buffet of fascia latas and koshas
Crying out the names of Krishna, Jesus and Buddha
In unison
We are one
Like lotus flowers
We rise up above the murky depths to lie above the water
Basking in the glorious rays of God’s sun
In mindful meditation
We play with each other’s bodies
Prana flows to the music of the massage
and the melody of the dance
Vibrations ripple through the body
The triumphant symphony awakens
Giver and Receiver are one
The gentle imprint of each embrace marks the body and touches the soul
Alas, it will soon be time to say our Good-byes
But Good-bye it will be not
For when the church bell rings and the temple gong sounds
We will stop and pause
Inhale, grateful for the moment
Exhale, sending love to one another
And until we meet again
In this life or another
I pray brothers and sisters that
The blessing of God be upon us
Flowing through us
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti